Industriestraße 1
D-76479 Steinmauern
Travelling by car:
- Motorway A5 driving southwards from Karlsruhe or driving northwards from Offenburg.
- Motorway exit Rastatt - follow direction Rastatt - on reaching the large crossing drive straight ahead towards Steinmauern and drive through the tunnel.
- In Steinmauern centre village, turn left towards the industrial area JUNG is located on the right-hand side before leaving the town.
Travelling by train:
- Get off at "Rastatt" train station. Then take a taxi to Steinmauern.
Travelling by airplane:
Possible airports of destination:
- Karlsruhe - Baden-Baden (FKB)
- Frankfurt (FRA), Strasbourg (SXB)
Individual rout plan with Google Maps
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