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Mentions légales / Contact

papier cadeau
Industriestraße 1
D-76479 Steinmauern
Tel. +49 7222 / 1007-0
Fax +49 7222 / 1007-44
Dipl. Kfm Claus Jung
Dipl. Kfm Stephan Jung
Günter Jung

Ust-ID: DE144018456
HRB 520103 Registergericht Mannheim

Contactez-nous avec vos idées et projets, ensemble nous trouverons la solution adaptée à votre besoin et à votre budget.
Vous pouvez nous joindre par téléphone du lundi au vendredi de 8h00 à 12h00, du lundi au jeudi de 13h00 à 17h00, le vendredi de 13h00 à 16h30.

Nous nous réjouissons d’avance pour vos appels et demandes.

Vos interlocuteurs commerciaux sont:

Ventes Export

Jean-Pierre Vives
Jean-Pierre Vives
Sales Director
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-14

Camille Bréhier
Camille Bréhier
Key Account Manager Export
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-42

Sophie Bahm
Sophie Bahm
Key Account Manager Export
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-21

Danielle Brand
Danielle Brand
Ventes Export
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-15

Susanne Germer
Susanne Germer
Ventes Export
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-74

Ellen Schempf
Ellen Schempf
Executive Manager
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-45

Ventes Allemagne

Claus Jung
Claus Jung
Président Directeur Général
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-27

Stephan Jung
Stephan Jung
Président Directeur Général
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-47

Markus Gartner
Markus Gartner
Directeur des ventes, fondé de pouvoir
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-19

Simone Knopf
Simone Knopf
Ventes Allemagne
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-10

Katharina Schmid
Katharina Schmid
Ventes Allemagne
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-17

Andrea Ebner
Andrea Ebner
Ventes Allemagne
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-12

Elodie Kraemer
Elodie Kraemer
Ventes Allemagne
Tel. + 49 7222 1007-41


Important notice regarding links: The Country Court of Hamburg has decided by conviction no. 312 O 85/98 - May 12, 1998 that one takes over liability for the contents of the linked page by setting the link. Within this conviction, the court furthermore states that a liability can only be anticipated by expressively distancing oneself from these contents. Regardless of our opinion on the correctness of this conviction, we herewith expressively distance ourselves from all contents of all linked sites and do not appropriate these contents. As the external contents neither appear within our CI nor on any websites with our logo, this is being made clear technically. We do not apply any framing techniques. This explanation is valid for all offers lodged beneath jung-design.de.

Exclusion of liability:
We thoroughly check on the offers provided within this web quotation and we update them continuously. We can, however, not take over any guarantee on the completeness, correctness and latest actuality of all statements at any time. This especially applies for all links to other web quotations on which is being referred to. We reserve the right to complete, remove or change all statements without prior announcement. All mentioned product names, product descriptions and logos are registered trademarks and property of the respective entitled persons.

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